
thorDog Evolved was inspired by Thor. Not the god of thunder, though he is inspirational, but our dog. Thor was our baby. He was a Great Dane mix that came into our lives in February of 2015 at eight weeks old. He was a bundle of energy from day one. He, like all dogs, was the best possible companion a human could ask for.

Thor loved all people, dogs and pretty much anything else that would give him the time of day, including horses. He was a champion of things play, including charge, tug of war, keep away and pretty much anything involving a hose. He was a master snuggler. Snuggle time meant, he needed to be in your lap. It didn’t matter that he was too big for it. I’m sure I’m biased, but he really was the perfect dog.

In January of 2018, we learned Thor had kidney disease, shortly after that we learned he also had cancer. From the time we learned of his health problems, he declined really quickly. Even at the end when we knew all the pain pills were not really working anymore, he was a trooper and put on his happy face for anyone he came in contact with. In May of 2018, we made the excruciating decision to let him go.

Dog Evolved was born out of Thor’s memory. Having a sick pet is both emotionally and financially taxing. We learned first hand how the cost of pet healthcare can quickly spiral. This is why we have chosen to partner with Brown Dog Foundation. Their focus is to provide pet families in need of financial assistance for possibly life-saving treatments for their pets. 100% of all net proceeds are donated to this great organization.

If you don’t have a need for Dog Evolved products, please consider making a tax-deductible donation directly to the Brown Dog Foundation. You can follow the link below and click the donate button.

Brown Dog Foundation